Jaap Blonk

Photo © Richard Whitelaw

Recorded at Wilton’s Music Hall, London on November 5th 2010.

Vocals – “Obbele Boep ‘m Pam”

Jaap Blonk (born 1953 in Woerden, Holland) is a self-taught composer, performer and poet. As a vocalist, Jaap Blonk is unique for his powerful stage presence and almost childlike freedom in improvisation, combined with a keen grasp of structure. He performed in many European countries, as well as in the U.S. and Canada, Indonesia, Japan, South Africa and Latin America.

Besides working as a soloist, he collaborated with many musicians and ensembles in the field of contemporary and improvised music inc. Carola Bauckholt, Mats Gustafsson, Nicolas Collins,  Joan La Barbara, The Ex, and the Netherlands Wind Ensemble.

Blonk’s work for radio and television includes several commissioned radio plays.

He also makes larger-scale drawings of his scores, which are being exhibited.

He was the founder and leader of the long-standing bands Splinks (modern jazz, 1983-1999) and BRAAXTAAL (avant-rock, 1987-2005). He also has his own record label, Kontrans, featuring a total of 15 releases so far.


Recording Notes

Recorded after a soundcheck during the Cut & Splice: Transmission Festival where Jaap later that evening gave an astonishing performance of Antonin Artaud’s “To Have Done with the Judgement of God”. Robert Worby, a composer and BBC radio presenter, filmed the short session on his mobile phone, which can be viewed on this site.  “Obbele Boep ‘m Pam”, is sung in a bebop style, and is one of Jaap’s favourite encore pieces.