© Aleks Kolkowski

Phil Durrant

Recorded in the Great Hall, Goldsmiths’ College, London, on February 9th 2010 Computer Generated Music Born near London in 1957, Phil Durrant is an improviser/composer/sound artist who devises his own virtual performance instruments using Reaktor. As a violinist (and member…

© A. Kolkowski

John Wynne & Denise Hawrysio

Recorded at Wilton’s Music Hall, London, November 5th 2010 Beating Tones and Flapping Wings  John Wynne is an award-winning sound artist whose practice includes installations and ‘composed documentaries’ for radio which hover on the boundary between documentation and abstraction. His…

Paul Lytton

Paul Lytton

Recorded at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, on August 8th  2010 Electro-Acoustic Percussion Paul Lytton (b.1947, London) is a free jazz percussionist based in Aachen. He began on drums at age 16. He played jazz in London in the late…