Photo © Sarah Fairclough

Nahum Mantra

Recorded at the London Science Museum, June 28th, 2012.  * Recording arriving soon * Nahum Mantra – Theremin. Nahum Mantra is an artist, composer and multi-instrumentalist. He lives between London and Mexico City and works in the intersection of the…

Gramophone Magazine Feature

Gramophone Magazine Feature

In June 2012, Gramophone Magazine published a feature on the Phonographies live wax cylinder recording sessions that took place at the London Science Museum in May and June. You can view it here and also listen to a recording made…

Jonathan Sterne

Jonathan Sterne

Recorded at the London Science Museum, June 23rd, 2012. Jonathan Sterne reads an extract from from the introduction to his book: MP3: The Meaning of a Format. “At the moment I write this sentence, there are about 10 million people…

Photo © Helen Petts

Phonographies at the Science Museum, London: Live Wax Cylinder Recordings

In his role as the Science Museum’s sound artist-in-residence, Aleks Kolkowski will demonstrate the art of sound recording onto wax cylinders using a hand-cranked Edison phonograph in a new series of regular live recording sessions that are open to the…

Welcome to Phonographies

Welcome to Phonographies

Phonographies is an audio archive of contemporary wax cylinder recordings, recorded and curated by Aleks Kolkowski and featuring a wide range of musicians, improvisers, composers, writers and artists. The sounds and music heard on this site are digital transfers taken…